Got Purpose?

#gotpurpose, #findyourpurpose, #soulscalling, #piedpiperofpurpose, #purpose, #passion,

#gotpurpose, #findyourpurpose, #soulscalling, #piedpiperofpurpose, #purpose, #passion,

I may have mentioned before how excited I get when the topic of purpose comes up. I love all things' purpose. I love helping others awaken to their purpose, pursue their purpose. I even enjoy lighting the way for others until they can find their purpose, hence my business name, Pied Piper of Purpose.

I want to be really clear, though, you don't have to know your passion/purpose to live it. I know that sounds counter-intuitive. But actually, all you have to do is follow what feels good; what lights you up. Then do your best, and see what life brings to you. Where will this lead you?

Something you might want to spend a moment or two thinking about is this, what is your definition of living a life of purpose? I mean, how will you know you are living a life of purpose if you don't have it clearly defined? Once you know your definition, become the observer of what's going on in your life. Look at your options, the situations that come up for you to deal with each day. Choosing what to do based on what you enjoy, what increases your energy, the quickening of your heart, is a surefire way to lead you to your passion/purpose in life.

All you need to do is take that step towards what you enjoy, what lights up your heart, and the next step will appear.

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

Find Your Purpose.

Share Your Passion.

Live Your Dream.


#gotpurpose, #findyourpurpose, #soulscalling, #piedpiperofpurpose, #purpose, #passion, 

Sue Brady