Metaphors for Life

#lifepurpose, #Vision, #piedpiperofpurpose, #CreateYourLIfe

#lifepurpose, #Vision, #piedpiperofpurpose, #CreateYourLIfe

"I want to change my punctuation. I long for exclamation marks, but I'm drowning in eclipses..." ~ Isaac Morton

I'm always interested in tools that move me forward in creating my best, most authentic life, one that shows me in my best light. I've been feeling a bit stuck with the pandemic. It's hard to move forward when you are living in a fear-based environment. You can try to create something new like I did two weeks ago by cutting off all my hair or choose to look at your situation in a new light.

Here's a nifty little exercise that will help you look at where you are right now versus where you'd like to be. The practice uses metaphors to describe your current reality and the reality that calls to your heart.

Step 1:  Pick a metaphor that describes where you are right now and write why it's appropriate for your situation.  This is your baseline.  

I'll go first:

-Today my life is like a train station full of anxious travelers waiting for their train to arrive to take them to their next destination. That damn train is late! The later it is, the more concerned they get. They look at their watch, then glance at the arrival and departure board. They 'harumph' a few times and begin to pace. 

The train is beyond late. The arrival & departure board hasn't been updated. No one knows what the heck is going on. People are beginning to wonder if they should attempt to get to their destination by taking a different train, making a transfer at another station to grab another train to their destination. They never question whether or not they should simply pick a new destination. Delays and obstacles in our lives can lead to exciting new destinations.

Step 2:  Pick a metaphor that describes where you want in the future.  This is your vision.  

Here's mine:

-In the future, my life is like an expedition. It's Lewis & Clark leading others through beautiful vistas they've never seen before. Breath-taking views, but the trail is not without difficulties. They have to climb high mountains where the snow & terrain slows them down. They need to cross swiftly flowing rivers, which requires careful planning and creative problem-solving. They need to wait out the weather, which requires patience, but the scenery is spectacular; it's all worth it.  

It's a journey of discovery into parts unknown, where you're using all your gifts and talents to show you the way. One day you realize you are no longer following the explorer, but instead are leading the expedition. You have answered your call to adventure.

"Riding a bike and living life are very similar. It takes some time to get the hang of the bike, and you always need to move forward if you want to keep your balance." ~ Albert Einstein

So, how accurate was your metaphor for your current situation? How did you feel when you read what you wrote about it? What about your metaphor for your vision? Does it represent what you want, or is it missing the mark? Do you need to tweak your metaphor a bit to more accurately reflect what you want in your future?

Now, look at each metaphor, side-by-side. How far apart are the images you have created? What will it take for you to get from here (today) to there (tomorrow)? What do you need to do, to take action on, to start moving toward your tomorrow?

For me, I get up each day and look at the message I want to share with the world. I ask myself how I plan to share my message that day? I'm then off and running with a list of activities to achieve my purpose in life that day.


If you don't like where you are right now and aren't ready to move toward your tomorrow, there's good news. You can change your metaphor for your vision and write a new story! You have the power to create the vision for your future that speaks to you. So get on the next train and get moving!!! 

Write that new story and let me know what came up for you in that exercise.

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

Find Your Purpose.

Share Your Passion.

Live Your Dream.
