Hello Operator?


With our country in turmoil, I thought I would write about something more light and mystical this week.  

I posted this link to a story about the Telephone of the Wind on my Facebook page. I urge you to read it, but I will summarize it below for the sake of my story.

Someone put up an old rotary phone in the rainforest on the Olympic Pennisula. I have been to this rainforest, and it is misty and magical, with tall old grown evergreen trees. The phone can be used to call your departed loved one's so that you can have one last conversation with them.  

I read the story, and it was very moving. I would give anything to have another conversation with my mom. In the last couple of years of her life, she had advanced Alzheimers and didn't speak. I thought, "Do I have to go to the rainforest to do this? Or can I just pick up my cell phone and call my mom from the comfort of my living room?"

Okay, for those of you who think that I have at this point lost my mind, go ahead and roll your eyes; you won't hurt my feelings. This is very woo-woo stuff, but please try to stay with me.  

I put the phone to my ear and began to talk to my mom. She's been gone for 3 years now, and I had so much to share with her. The stories flowed, as did the tears. It was that really messy crying where your nose runs, and you can see clearly, even after wiping your eyes. I poured out my heart and thanked her for everything she did for me. I shared my fears about the future and what God's plan for me was. I updated her on the family and how my dad was doing.  

It sounds like it was a long call, but it really only lasted a few minutes. After all, I was doing all the talking. As I said my good-byes, I thought to myself, "I wonder if mom heard me, and if she did, what kind of sign she will send me to let me know."  

As I pulled the phone away from my ear, I looked down at it and saw the time. It was 11:08. My mother's birthday is 11/08. I was speechless. I think that's a pretty good sign that she did indeed hear me.

Now, wait, it gets crazier.

The next night, my brother is in town and we are watching TV together. I am debating telling him about my experience but hesitate as he's definitely not of the woo-woo sect.  

I finally just start blurting out the story. He's listening, and God bless him, he's totally refraining from rolling his eyes.  

When I'm done telling the story and holding up my phone as I explain about the time, we both look at my phone. Guess what time it is. Yep, it's 11:08. Both our mouths fell open. Once is a coincidence, but twice is definitely spirit.  

Why do I share this story? I want to remind you all that there is more to life than political parties that are at each other's throats. That the pandemic will one day be behind us, and what we've learned through this shutdown will serve our children and their children well, should something like this ever happen again. That this too shall pass, that and talking to dead people can be done right from the comfort of your living room.

Most importantly, doing what speaks to your heart, in this case, for me, intuitive work may just astonish you. Believe in the magic of spirit!

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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