Fall Into The Unknown


”As your life falls apart, it also falls together. Let go of the resistance to fall into the unknown.”

~Kelly T Smith

For many, it feels as if life is getting ready to fall apart as we "fall into the unknown." Two weeks ago was frightening as a mob of unhappy people, whipped into a frenzy as they "resisted falling into the unknown," stormed the Capital. I don't know where these people came from as they're not who I would consider my people.

In fact, I don't know anyone who would believe them to be "their people." I guess they will remain the 'unclaimed,' but they sure scared the bejesus out of the rest of us.

We are standing at a crossroads right now. I encourage all of you to "let go of the resistance to fall into the unknown."  Do what you can to be true to who you are, and let the rest fall away.

Breath into the essence of who you are. Be authentically you. Give the unknown a chance.  

This whole mob scene is serious business, but on the chance to lighten the mood, I would like to share with you the time I incited a mob and whipped them into a frenzy. Most people are followers, and followers must choose with care whom they choose to follow.  

It was 1960 something, and the weather outside was dismal. It was around 7:30 on a rainy winter morning. I was a happy little first grader with a bright shiny face and a curious, active mind.  

The elementary kids were all stuffed into the gym as we awaited the first-morning bell that would release us to our homerooms. Normally we would run amok on the playground before school to burn off energy, but the wet weather had us cooped up indoors.

That morning my bright shiny face and curious, active mind were creatively engaged in making the best of a boring situation. When what did I spy on a bench against the wall? A lonely little tower of toilet paper rolls. 

If I were genuinely psychic, I would have intuited the shortage of 2020, and I'd have stuffed them in my backpack, but alas, nothing so industrious was on my mind that day. Instead, mischief and mayhem were the mission of the day.  

As all the other perfect little catholic kiddo's wandered about quietly, probably contemplating the sins they would confess later at church, I went to the bench, reached down, and picked up a roll. I had no sooner picked up a roll when a voice in my head shouted, "launch that baby!" I mean, even at the sweet innocent age of 7, I knew that toilet paper is meant to be thrown. 

I lobbed that roll of TP as far as I could. All I remember seeing was that white-tail fluttering behind the toilet paper roll as it flew across the gym. The place erupted in yelling and shouting as the rest of the rolls were snatched up and launched. It was instant mayhem—toilet paper flying. Shrieks of joy lifting to the rafters. The place broke out into instant pandemonium. I'm quite sure I saw a slight smile on the statue of the Blessed Virgin as a roll sailed past her and the sweet baby Jesus.

By the time the staff was able to wrest away the TP and corral the kiddos, that little frenzied mob had created a fine mess. Was it the smartest thing I've ever done? Nope.   Did it tell me that people could be easily swayed to follow someone's lead, even if it wasn't the smartest thing they ever did? Yep.  Did it validate for me that I was a leader? Absolutely.  

Would I be impeached as a first-grade trouble maker? Oh, heck yes. Some playground nazi turned me in post-haste, and I faced the firing squad lead by Sister Mary Crabby Pants.   I learn my lesson? I wish, but alas, there are many more stories that shine the light on my poor decision-making skills as a child.

The moral of this story? Be careful who you follow into battle; they may not have a plan that will lead you where you need to be.  

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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