The Signs Along The Way

“Nature speaks in symbols and signs.” ~ John Greenleaf Whittier

I love to walk, and with the weather finally turning in our favor, I've been out more than usual, meandering the streets in my neighborhood. While walking, I love to look for signs along the way from the Universe that may lead me to my next adventure in life.

My favorite signs are the "Welcome to School" signs in yards from the various grade schools in the area.

I love it when I see the "Welcome to Avery" sign, which is the Kindergarten my son and I both attended (not at the same time, of course). It gives me a little thrill that my son and I went to the same Kindergarten. Every day I took him to class, it was a walk down memory lane.

I still remember my first day of Kindergarten. I wasn't enchanted with the whole school experience, and about an hour after drop-off, I left and walked myself home. I had come in from playing on the playground. Since I had enjoyed myself immensely, I was pretty exuberant as I made my way up the steps into the little brown schoolhouse. My teacher had stopped me and told me to go back outside and come in a little quieter.

(This was before the "use your indoor voice" terminology came to be.)

Well, I have to admit I didn't take too kindly to having my enthusiasm throttled back. I sat on the top step for about a minute or two and pondered my choices. I decided that I had given school a chance, and it just wasn't for me. With that decision made, I hopped up off the steps and started the journey back home. It never occurred to me that my mom would make me come back the next day!

This wasn't the first teacher that didn't encourage individualism in their students. From Kindergarten, I moved on to Catholic school, and you know how those Nun's just LOVE free-spirited children. It took about 3 more years of being reprimanded, scolded, and punished (sitting in the trashcan was what finally broke me of the free-spirit habit) before I finally caught on that it wasn't okay to be your authentic self. It only took me 50+ years to relearn how to follow the call of my spirit.

When I see the signs out in the yards welcoming kiddo's to their new school, what comes to mind for me is this thought: In 30 years, what will this little one, all eager to start school, now all grown up, say to that 5 or 6-year-old starting off on their big journey? What words of advice would they share? Would they have more encouraging statements or warnings of wrong paths taken? To be true to themselves even if the route takes them up some challenging hills to climb? Or will they say, follow the rules and just keep your head down?

Here are some words of wisdom I just recently came across that I wished I had heard, maybe not in Kindergarten, but along the way:

"Your adult future isn't sitting in front of you. It's not in the college major you choose or the job you're about to apply for. It's out there over the horizon. Right now, you're Lewis and Clark setting out from St. Louis…You can't possibly know where you're heading. Your task now isn't to know your destination; it's much simpler than that. Right now, your task is to figure out two things: What you like and what you're good at. That's what you need to do now to eventually discover the future you, the one who's waiting out there for the current you to find them."

I would add personally, "Be the exuberant soul that God created you to be. Don't let anyone dim your enthusiasm!"

What signs do you see along the way? What speaks to you? The gold nuggets lie in exploring those thoughts that pop into your head that get triggered when you see something during your day. Those are the signs that lead you to your treasure!

Signs are all around us, and when we begin to pay attention, we are always amazed at the story they tell us. The signs give us guidance. They give us messages from our higher selves. They give us the answer to the questions that we have, that we're puzzling out in our subconscious mind.

Do you have questions that you're seeking answers to? Next week I will share a way to find those answers simply by walking through your neighborhood. Till then, be exuberantly YOU!!

”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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