Signs From The Universe

What does it look like when you are on your path? People say that things start to line up and fall into place, but what does that really look like?

I remember telling the story about things falling into place for me when I was in the adoption process and the unusual occurrences that happened. I was at a dinner party as I told the story: I was en route to meet a baby boy that was available for adoption, and as I drove south from Seattle to Tacoma, WA, I asked God to give me a clear sign that this was the child I was meant to have.

I had not even made it off my block, and in the middle of the street, I saw a full baby bottle of milk just lying there. Now I lived within a large community with tons of families, so a child probably dropped it on the daily walk. However, my small enclave was mainly people in their 50's and older, so it was odd to see this lying in the street. I put a chalk mark in God's column and asked him to give me another sign, you know, just to be sure.

As I was driving down the freeway, I was daydreaming, and I asked God for another sign. Then I saw I was directly behind a Volkswagen bus with a license plate that read "let it be." Ooh, that's interesting, but of course, I could interpret that two ways. I put another chalk mark in God's column but again asked him to give me a sign I couldn't argue with. Something super clear that had a message just for me.

I soon arrived at the Foster Mother's house, and as I held this sweet little bundle in my arms, I asked the foster mother what name they were calling him. I know they aren't allowed to name the child, but I hoped they were calling him something other than "baby." She said, "Yes, we use the name of the doctor that delivered him; we call him James." Well, I almost fell out of my chair; that's my dad's name. "Okay, you win," I said to God, "3 signs, and it's a home run."

That sweet little bundle turned 21 two weeks ago. His name is Nicholas James, and we've had 21 exciting years together.

But as I told this story to the ladies at dinner, most were intrigued, but one lady was flabbergasted. She said, "You based an important decision like this on a baby bottle in the street and a Volkswagen van?" I was a bit taken back, but I smiled sweetly, and I quietly explained that God had led me to this child. Secretly I was hoping her uterus would dry up and fall out. I realized that she would always be that person in the crowd that lived her life from a place of anxiety and lack. What's life without a bit of magic and wonder? And you can think I'm cuckoo for cocoa puffs but keep it to yourself.

Have you ever asked for a sign from the Universe? Did you know your Spirit Guides can't help you until you invite them in? By asking for 3 signs that point to the obvious choice for me, I am always led to the right path. Here's another example:

I wanted to know what the name of my primary spirit guide was. So, I took a 2-hour drive with my son to meet a friend of his from camp. I asked my spirit guide to show me what their name was along the way. I asked to see their name three times. As we drove along, I saw many names, but none repeated themselves until I saw the name Aaron twice.

We pulled into the restaurant's parking lot to meet Nick's friend, and I was disappointed that I hadn't seen the name Aaron 3 times. As I gathered my purse, I asked Nick to remind me what his friend's name was. He said, "Her name is Erin." I almost fell over! What the heck!!! Spirit Guides aren't male or female. They don't give themselves names, so I thought it was funny that both versions of the name Erin/Aaron presented themselves.

Give it a try. Ask for a sign in response to a question. Ask to be shown the same sign 3 times, and let me know how things worked out for you.

”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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