Hello September!

Oh, my word! Where did the summer go? Can you believe it's officially September 1st? How was your summer? Mine was busy, full of surprises, purpose, and new found love!!!

Love??!!?? Before you starting thinking dark and handsome, I want to stop you right there and have you think tiny, pink, and blonde! Yes, you heard that right. I'm not talking about romantic love; I'm talking about the kind of love that captures your heart and refuses to let it go. I met my grandbaby for the first time! Her name is Maddie, and she's absolutely perfect! I could simply fall into her beautiful blue eyes and swim there forever. She does not live close to us, but I'm willing to drive as many miles as it takes to visit her as often as possible.

I can't wait to get to know her better. And I love my new moniker, "Grandma B." That's the name my mom used, and I am the only sister in my family that still has a B for the last name, so I get to claim the title! My mom would play cards with her grandkids for hours on end. She would read books while bouncing little ones on her knee. I can't wait to do the same!

So the other kind of love I experienced this summer is related to purpose. I talked quite a bit in the spring about looking for a job. I had applied to over 225 jobs since last July without luck. And as someone who is highly experienced in their field, it wasn't very encouraging. So I decided to Substitute teach in the special school district here in St. Louis.

Then in May, I applied for an administrative assistant position at one of the schools. It was the only school where the principal made a point of thanking me for coming and working at her school to fill a vacant vital position. Now I am working in her front office, helping orchestrate students' transportation, data records, parent communication, and other necessary tasks.

I started in late July, and every day I witness teachers and staff who are 100% committed to helping these vulnerable young students who suffer from mental and physical disabilities. It is truly God's work. Nobody would do this work just because they think it's fun. It is, in fact, very stressful to watch students struggle with behavior issues. It's hard to look at these little ones that have so many afflictions.

Teachers have a true calling. God's work. A purpose that is greater than themselves. Every day they answer the call to work with our children. They're not just teachers. They're saints. If you haven't hugged a teacher yet this year, please get out there and do it ASAP.

On the bright side, I witnessed a wonderful little parade of students in wheelchairs, wagons, and walkers come through the office on Friday with cups of pudding with Oreo cookies crumbled on top that they had made just for us. It was the highlight of my day!

So I hope you all have gotten out this summer and done something that speaks to your heart. Something that has furthered you along on your journey. I've been doing a great deal of reading, studying, and doing workshops on the topic of purpose. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a tattoo on my forehead yet that says, "got purpose? " I simply love the concept of feeling in your body that you're using the gifts and talents that God gave you to further the goodness of the planet. And that comes in all kinds of shapes, colors, sizes, and pathways. So I'm going to get back on it, talking more about purpose in the future. If this speaks to you, I hope you join me on the journey. If not, you have my blessing to move on to find that which does speak to you.

Talk soon!!

”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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