
My friend Robin shared with me this morning that her computer was on the fritz, and she needed to take it in for repair, but, first, she needed to back it up. In that process, she used the program Uninstaller, and low and behold, when the computer restarted, everything was working fine again!

As I read her text with this message, I thought, "Wow, what in life could be fixed by simply using Uninstaller?" What could I Uninstall from the past year at the very least?

For sure, I would Uninstall the Pandemic. That messed with everyone's operating system. I would Uninstall not spending 2020 with my dad, who was in lockdown for the last year of his life. That really messed with my operating system.

I would Uninstall the attack on the Capitol in January. I would Uninstall the grievous confrontation that leads to the death of George Floyd. I would Uninstall ALL the racially motivated attacks that happened: Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, only to name a few.

I would Uninstall my neighbors who like to throw food over my fence when my dog is bothering them. (Hello, you have two dogs; I have one. Who's being bothered?)

I would go back further and Uninstall my son's suicide attempt in 2018. I would Uninstall a couple of jobs I left because I didn't like my boss. Turns out there are really very few good bosses out there, only hardworking employees trying to survive.

I would Uninstall the urge to commit a mass shooting at the mall, nightclub, school, etc. This is definitely a malware virus that needs to go.

I would Unistall my mother's Alzheimers and her two sibling's cancer that took their lives. I would Uninstall Facebook for sure. What a time suck! And I would undoubtedly Uninstall all the haters in the various FB Community Connect groups that like to rip their neighbors a new one online. I mean, what's up with that? We know where you live!

Once the operating system was rebooted and running smoothly, I would add some new, virus-free programs like Love, Kindness, Neighborly Gestures, Picnics in the Park, Generosity, Good Health, Creativity, Abundance for all, and the like. In fact, I'd add so many new great programs we'd all need bigger hard drives.

What would you like to Uninstall from your life? What if it was as easy as hitting Control+Alt+Delete? How fast would you start eliminating things from your life?

This is the stuff of science fiction novels, of course. We're not able to change history...yet. If you're looking for a great read, though, check out Stephen Kings 11/22/63. It's about someone who can go back in time, and they try to stop President Kennedy's assassination. Great Book.

Meanwhile, I'm going to try to Uninstall the weeds in the yard and Control+Alt+Delete the humidity that's leaving me drenched!

Control+Alt+Delete Out,


”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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