Following Your Calling

I have mentioned in the past that I have applied for over 200+ jobs since last July. It's probably closer to 225 now, but I can't keep it all straight anymore. In the meantime, I decided that I would just keep following the bread crumbs of my passion to see where it will take me. My passion is giving intuitive readings.

So first, I set up my Etsy shop to offer Intuitive Readings. It started slow, but wowzer, now it's going gangbusters. I wake up each morning to see who has ordered a reading. It's been amazing fun, and each week my sales climb. Getting paid to do what you love, what a fantastic concept!

Secondly, I was invited to read cards at an outdoor market on Friday night. It was an amazing set up—a wonderful collection of humanity. The people-watching was at the Gold Medal Olympic level. I have never seen so many tattoos in one place; the artwork was fabulous. The clothing was vintage and quite attractive. A happy atmosphere prevailed, with nary a mask in sight. Here's hoping everyone there was vaccinated.

The picture above is from behind me as I was reading for these two young ladies. I started to read cards at 6 PM and had to shut down at 9:30; I was just exhausted. I turned away at least ten people waiting in line. You would not believe how much energy you put out when you read cards for others. I had a fabulous time, but it took me two days to recover.

Now I will start Life Coaching and reading intuitively at a beautiful health and wellness center, The Golden Door STL. I feel so lucky! So many opportunities are coming my way because I am following my calling. I think that Spirit has been actively blocking all the traditional jobs I have applied for so that I follow what calls to my heart.

This is precisely what my coaching practice is all about, following the quiet whispers of your heart—answering the call to adventure that is yours and yours alone. The fearless pursuit

I am a course changer that has risked it all to follow my heart. I'm passionate about helping women find the clarity they need to take steps forward in their next chapter. Right now, I am helping myself to get the clarity I need to move forward into my own next chapter. It's a classic case of walking your talk. Scary as all get out, for sure, but it feels so good!!

Stay tuned!

”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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