Living A Meaningful Life

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful”.

~ Joshua J. Marine

This week I overheard a conversation that was centered around 'living a life of meaning.' I wasn't really paying attention until I heard those 5 little words. It pulled me up short and had me asking myself repeatedly, "Am I living a life of meaning?"  

I was visiting my sister in Arizona, and I pestered her with the question as well. I want to know for myself, as well as for her, what does a life of meaning look like? It's different for everyone.  

We grew up hearing stories about the Great Depression (multiple groups of relatives living together under one roof.) I heard what my mom and her family did when they heard that WWII was over (driving down River Des Peres, honking the horn.). How the great war affected my dad while living in New York City (had to blackout the car's headlights, all except a narrow spot of light.). How the Berlin Airlift in the early 1960s affected my parent's marriage (dad went overseas with the Airforce Reserves for 9 months, leaving mom home alone with 5 children under 10). These significant, unexpected life events can change the course of someone's life. My parents went on to live a meaningful life together for 64 years.  

This has me thinking about the major, unexpected life events we have witnessed in the past 20 years alone that have or will change the course of our history: 

Black Lives Matter - Huge social impact on our world and how we are called to examine our beliefs.  

9/11 Attack on US Soil - I don't know a single person who can't recall with complete clarity where they were on that day at that time. Life as we knew it changed instantly.

Facebook was born - My brother still calls it My Face. Call it whatever you want; it changed our lives for sure!

The iPhone is introduced - Life changing. I start to hyperventilate when I misplace my phone! And how many of you have stalked your tweens with the Find My Phone App? You know who you are!

The Market Crash of 2009 - Don't you still hold your breath, especially now when the market is in its 8th or so year of a bull run. Surely it will end! How will it impact my life? Jobs lost. Homes foreclosed. In the meantime, you can't buy a home now to save your life. Such a crazy market!

Covid 19 - What the heck! Sure didn't see this one coming—the loss of loved ones, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and my hair turning gray!

Climate Change - It's Memorial Weekend, and we had to turn the heat back on; it was 48 degrees this morning. Massive storms are causing flooding in the South, again.  

And so many, many more events that have impacted our lives. I apologize if I left anything out that had a significant impact on you.  

It's hard enough to plan for your life without the unexpected curveballs that may be thrown our way.  

So as we begin to reemerge from our Covid isolation (oh my word, I went shopping at Walgreens without a mask, and I felt naked!) Ask yourself this question, not just in passing, but really think about it.  

"Am I living a life of meaning?" 

If the answer is "NO or I don't know." We need to talk! It's time to choose what we want to do in our lives and not just let our lives happen to us. I would love to be your sounding board as you work through what you would like your future to look like!

Here's something that is going to make my life more meaningful. Next week, on Wednesday, 6/2/21, I am becoming part of the staff at The Golden Door STL. I am offering Life Coaching and Intuitive Card Readings. I am super excited by this opportunity. They have a fantastic team of therapists there, and I am honored to be joining the ranks!


Check it out here:


”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

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