Embracing Intuition


“Intuition is seeing with the soul.” ~ Dean Koonz

My ego took a hit this week regarding my intuitive skills. Let me be the first person to say that there is no place for ego when you are doing intuitive work, but we sensitive types take issue when someone criticizes us for our gifts. Intuitive work is not about me; it's about Spirit, coming in with a message.

Friday, I received four requests for readings from my Etsy shop. The requests were all for Channeled Messages. I eagerly began my work because the messages are always so interesting.

The readings just flowed. I carefully transcribed what came to me and then sent each message on to its recipient. Shortly after message 3, I got a scathing message back from one of the recipients. She was outraged that her message had "nothing to do with her!" The intensity of her retort caught me off guard. I apologized to her and asked if there was something in particular that I could look at for her. She was furious and said, "NO!"

Now mind you, this was a cheap little reading on Etsy. Not the writing of the 10 Commandments. It's possible that I got the wrong message for her as I was doing several that day. Can I be more precise to Spirit with my request? Of course. Is this the end of the world? Of course not. I happily refunded her money. But she did make me take a step back and ask myself if my intuition was authentic or a delusion I engage in daily.

Sometimes I just know things. The more I trust what I "just know," the more knowledge comes my way. It's kind of a weird game of trust. But the more you trust your intuition, the more it will show up for you.

I remember one of my first experiences with "just knowing." I was at a business meeting at Victoria's Secret back in the '80s. I was a Regional Manager, and I ran everything West of the Mississippi. We were all seated around a large conference table talking budgets. Snore. It was 98% men in the meeting and just two women.

One of the mucky muck's started to brag about his new workout regiment and how fit he was getting. He was bragging about all the cool stuff he was buying, like new $15K watches. It was all-male mucky muck's at the table, so you can imagine the boasting that went on. Mucky muck One kept talking about all his blah-blah this and blah-blah that. Suddenly a thought popped into my head (and out of my mouth before I could stop it!). I said, "He's got a girlfriend." This wouldn't be shocking news, except maybe to his wife, but it stopped the boasting immediately.

I couldn't believe I said it out loud and have since learned not to do that. However, 2 weeks later, Mucky Muck One left his wife to move in with a new girlfriend, who, of course, was the recipient of the $15k watch.

I don't know how that thought came to me. At the time, I was tallying a column of expenditures and wasn't really paying attention. Then the thought just popped into my head. That's how intuition works—it's thoughts, symbols, sounds, smells, visions that come to you unexpectedly.

I don't know the recipient of my reading, that "had nothing to do with her," but I suspect it reflected a part of her life that she doesn't want to look at. That's okay; we all have free will. We can choose to realistically look at our lives or hide our heads in the sand.

So my learning from this is that I will redouble my faith in what messages I get. Trusting what I get from Spirit.

Where in your life do you just "know?" I would love to hear about it.

”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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