Do you believe in synchronicities? When multiple things happen that are connected? A coincidence? The detectives on all the TV shows say there is no such thing as coincidence, but are they right? Well, they manage to wrap up the mystery in 60 minutes, complete with commercials, so maybe they are on to something.

This past weekend I bought myself a yummy bottle of Malbec. A heavy wine from Argentina that is smooth and tastes, well, yummy. As I was pouring out a glass, it made a happy little bubbling sound. The sound the wine made as it poured out of a bottle is hard to describe, but to this tired gal, it sounded like joy. (Now, don't call Betty Ford just yet - I had worked hard in the yard all day, and I was treating myself. This one little bottle will last me a week!)

Anyway, I moved into the living room to watch whatever intriguing show captured my eye on my DVR. I selected a mystery, and low and behold, not five minutes into the show, and a gal is pouring herself a glass of wine. As she poured, the word "blurbling" popped up on my closed captioning.  

Now don't judge. You know as well as I do that all those TV actors and movie stars mumble! It's a conspiracy to anyone over the age of 40 to drive us mad. They talk fast, low, and all the words run together (remember the episode on Seinfeld with the low talker?) It's an actual thing to drive us more mature folks crazy.

Anyway, I thought, "yes! That's the exact sound wine makes as it's being poured out of the bottle." Wow, how crazy is that? To wonder about the sound something makes, and then 5 minutes later, you get the word associated with it. Yes, I know this isn't an earth-shattering discovery. What it is, though, is an example of being open to the magic of wonder, of witnessing curiosity at work.  

It backs up the theory that what we put out into the Universe will come back to us like a boomerang. If we put our needs, wants, hopes, wonderment out into the Universe, we will be led, guided, and rewarded with answers. 

Have you ever pondered buying a new car? Let's say you wanted a red VW Beetle. Starting almost immediately, you will see red VW Beetles everywhere. You never knew there were so many red VW Beetles in the world! Were they there before? How did you not see them? You simply put the thought out into the Universe, and viola, the Universe drove them by you, and you noticed.  

So now what? Do you think about red VW Beetles and wine? No! Certainly not about drinking red wine while driving a red VW Beetle. No, you think about what you want to draw into your life. What do you need to support you on your journey right now? What would make life easier or smoother right now? Think about the things that would lift you up and move you forward. Surrender that wonder to the Universe and let me know what shows up!

”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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