The Fork In The Road


Holy Mother of God! I've been substitute teaching in the Special Ed arena for the past couple of weeks. It's exhausting work, to say the least. I come home, collapse on the sofa, and my day is done at 4:30; all my energy has been sucked out of me. If any of you have children still in school, please take a moment to thank their teacher for their dedication to educating your offspring. It is only dedication to their craft and a passion for their work and students that brings them back in each day. It certainly isn't for the perks, pay, or accolades.  

While a good experience, even with the exhaustion, it has enabled me to scratch off a possible path forward on my hunt for sustainable work. I love to teach, but formal education is not a pathway for me. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? What I have discovered is that teaching is a calling. Teachers feel it deep within and answer the call, then stay for years, working compassionately to help children, teens, and adults, reach their potential. My hats off to them.  

Looking at what is a calling, I know with all my being that intuition is one of mine. It manifests in reading cards, mediumship, channeling messages. All activities I could do for hours, and if the amount of money in my paycheck had a 1:1 ratio to how much I loved this work, I'd be rich. I would be the Mega Powerball winner of the century!

Many of you may not agree with predicting the future, etc., but that's not what it really is. It's about reading the energy of the situation so that you can make choices using free will. If you do nothing, here is most likely where you will end up. It's your choice, your free will, to stay the course or move in a new direction. It's very accurate information. Here is an example for you.

As substitute teaching winds down (I currently have no job commitments this week), I felt drawn to ask this question:

"What do I need to know about choosing a path for my future?"  

This is a question that I ask myself repeatedly. It's like I'm playing volleyball, with the question being the ball, and I work both sides of the net. Exhausting.  

To answer this question I felt drawn to use the Wisdom of the Oracle deck. I decided that I wanted to look at the Situation (Card 1), the Obstacles (Card 2), and the Outcome (Card 3). This is what I got:


Card 1 Situation: Fork in the Road 

WHAT??? It doesn't get any more spot-on than this. I am definitely at the fork in the road. I am pondering multiple decisions, trying to clarify which one is best for myself and my son. When I look deep into the card, I see the Owl on the llama's back, wisdom. I see the Monkey on the sign, and I think mischief. Am I to choose in favor of smart, logical ideas or ones that are filled with playful antics?

The main message for this card is that each decision has a consequence, either good or bad. That wasn't news to me. What was news is that the card's description says, "Take Heart, as no matter which path you choose, you will have a rich and meaningful experience." That's reassuring.

Card 2 Obstacle: Blessed in Reverse

When I look at this card, I see a magical winged fairy riding along in a shell of some sort. There are stars about, which speak of navigation by the heavens to me, my inner GPS. It feels like being Blessed by Spirit is a gift. Hmm, I don't feel Blessed right now.  

Notice this card is in reverse; they call that Protection.  The book says that grace is an unearned blessing from Spirit. The card in reverse/Protection means "to be who you need to be, you can no longer do what you did...what is required now is nothing less than total surrender. Then you will be blessed."

I can no longer do what I did. Indeed that relates to the 200+ resumes I have sent out since last July. I have felt in my heart that I am being led away from the old traditional work I did to a new field of work. Eerie, how the cards nailed this.

Card 3: Outcome - Building Blocks

To me, this is clearly about laying the foundation for my future. I believe I have done that already but may need a moment to tidy it up a bit. The main message is that I have done everything to cultivate an extraordinary life. It is now time to build on that solid foundation I have laid.

So what's the answer to my question, "What do I need to know about choosing a path for my future?" 

In my opinion, it is this:  

Stop fretting over knowing the outcome of your choices. Whatever you pick will have a rich experience tied to it. (I am not saying struggle-free but rich). To be who I need to be, I need to surrender. I have already done the hard work to lay my foundation, and I will be led to build my future on this solid base.

I love how the cards put it all into perspective. Would I have preferred them to spell out the Power Ball numbers? Sure, but it just doesn't work that way. It's solid advice that tells me to stop the mental game of volleyball, choose with my heart, surrender and move forward.

I love this deck, The Wisdom of the Oracle, and I would be honored to pull a card for you. If you'd like that, send me an email with your question, and I will draw and interpret a card for you.

”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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