Stumbling Forward


Some of you know that I have been looking for the perfect job to round out my working years. It's a long, frustrating, painful experience, and that's just my trip up the stairs to sit at the computer. The actual search for work has been, to put it mildly, worse than prep for a colonoscopy. 

Since July of 2020, I have submitted over 170 applications for work. The job market feels very much like the story of the Three Little Bears. Some jobs are too cold (all analytics, no people contact). Some jobs are too hot (can anyone say customer service). Some jobs have been just right (category management/procurement). Those just right jobs, while amazing, are few and far between.

To fill the gap between working and non-working, I've decided to be a substitute teacher. Yes, I know what you're thinking, "I didn't know you liked children." Yes, actually, I love children; I'm just good at hiding it behind my early-onset curmudgeonly demeanor. And because I love a good challenge, I am signed up to work in the Special School District.  

My first day was Monday, and it was illuminating, to say the least. Chairs were thrown, things were broken, and tears were shed. That was just me; the kids were delightful. Day two could only be described as a hot mess, and I wished I had packed a wine cooler with my lunch. Day three was a breeze, and I really got into playground duty. There is something about watching kids run amok, shrieking with joy, that makes you realize your life is pretty dull.  

I bring up this substitute teaching gig to illustrate a quote I came across in a great new book I am reading, "Risk Forward," by Victoria Labalme.  

Here's the quote:

"Trust the light that flickers across your soul...even if it makes no sense to others...even if people question or discourage you."

It's not until we've dared to step into the unknown and head toward what calls to us that we discover where we are meant to go next. I was scared spitless to be a substitute teacher. I couldn't get my own kid, who I fed, loved, and cared for, to do what I asked him to do. Why did I think I could get a whole classroom to follow my instructions!

Yesterday, as I sat by the side of a second-grader to support him as he read on his computer. I marveled at how the teacher had 16 kiddo's in her class, and they were all quietly working. They are 7 years old. They were quiet. What planet are they from???

When I was in 2nd grade, I had the life-altering experience that put me on the path I'm on today. I was more of a wanderer than I was a rule follower. The consequence for wandering in Sister Marcella Marie's class was sitting in the trashcan in the front of the room. This allowed your classmates to mock and shame you. Let me tell you, it's a very effective behavior management tool. However, it took me most of the second grade to learn the lesson (As a result, I LIVED in the trashcan in 2nd grade.)

The lesson I learned was: not listening to the quiet inner voice that called me to wander, explore, and be adventurous, would help me 'fit in' and be like others. The reward for fitting in was not being my authentic self. The bonus was being miserable.

So the path I am on today is all about being my authentic self. Listening and answering the quiet voice that calls me to wander. Following where the adventure leads me, to explore and find joy. "To come to trust the light that flickers across your soul...even if it makes no sense to others...even if people question or discourage you."

So teaching, while it's not my life's work, is enlightening and honest. It's giving me the space to allow that quiet inner voice to speak a little louder. It's allowing me to stumble forward as I continue to seek that clearer vision of what's next. It's allowing me to gather some momentum, building up steam, to power ahead to live my vision for my life.  

And I love helping others find their vision—the driving force behind your voice and your values. We do this by discovering WHO you really are. WHAT you love to do, and WHY it sets your Soul on Fire. Once you are armed with this information, you can better step out with courage and live the life you came here to live.  

If you are interested in the fearless pursuit of what sets your soul on fire, here are 3 ways I can help:

  1. Intuitive Readings: Are you are the crossroads, uncertain about life, love, family, or finances? An intuitive reading will help unlock the answers that lie within, giving you clarity about which path to choose.

  2. Soul Whispers: Do you hear the whispers of your soul, but you can't quite make them out? Soul Whispers is a bite-sized coaching experience that will help you begin the process of creating a life with more passion and purpose. It will help you calibrate your soul's guidance system so you can feel your way to living a life with purpose.

  3. The Path to Clarity 1:1 Coaching: You have an ache deep in your heart. You want a life with more meaning but don't know where to look. You are ready to find your purpose and share your passion with the world. Using proven techniques and exercises of the Soul's Calling Coaching program, together, we can identify what lights your soul on fire and fills you with joy. You'll be able to find the thread that's connected to your dreams, allowing you to unravel the magic of what's possible for you. We'll craft a plan, your Soul's Blueprint, that will give you the courage to follow your dreams.

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

Find Your Purpose.

Share Your Passion.

Live Your Dream.


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