

Invisible threads are the strongest ties.

~ Friedrich Nietzche

As I struggled to get my wireless keyboard paired with my Mac this morning, I saw instantly, with great clarity, what the problem is with my life. I noticed that I am paired with things in my life that aren't a good fit. The big ah-ha lies in cutting those connections to free up my bandwidth to sync with better opportunities. Easier said than done, my friend.

Often, those bad pairings come in the form of a job that makes you miserable, but it pays the bills. Or perhaps a relationship that is sucking you dry, but you don't have the strength to end it. Maybe you live in a city or town that represses who you are, but you don't have the wherewithal to pick up and move to a new locale. It could be anything that doesn't sync up with who you really are.

It's easy to stay stuck in what is. Pushing against what is established takes guts. What will people think if you get a divorce, quit a good-paying job, or let your hair go grey in your 40's? People don't embrace change in others very well. It's scary. What if a change is contagious?

This week, I would ask yourself, where am I paired with something that doesn't lift me up, support who I really am, and how can I disconnect from that pairing? Scary stuff for sure! Check out this week's reading as we ask this exact question!


”Expect the best, Prepare for the worst, Take what God sends you.” ~ Unknown

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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