Old Messages


“Sometimes the thing that is holding us back is the story we tell ourselves that doesn’t belong to us.” ~ Unknown

I received an alert today that my voicemail box was full. I started to delete out old voice messages and soon realized that I had messages saved that were over 4 years old. I made the mistake of listening to a message that my dad left a few months back; he was "sorry that he had missed my call." He passed away in January of this year. I burst into tears. I, of course, saved that message.

As I deleted other messages that I never meant to save, I had a giant ah-ha moment. How many messages are we carrying around in our heads that we never intended to keep or believe in but somehow never got around to deleting? This revelation hit me square between the eyes.

It's so crucial for me to be authentic in who I am. This can be an everyday struggle, but one worth the effort. It brings me joy to help others find their meaning in life, which starts with understanding who they are. We spend a great deal of time when coaching together, rooting out the stories in their life that just aren't true. These stories all start with messages we received and somehow never deleted, and we've turned them into 'our' story. We play this story in our mind, on a continuous loop.

What stories, messages, or programing are you living your life from that you need to delete? You know the story that hurts the most. It's the one that leaves you feeling bad after it's played in your mind. It usually starts with, "I can't..." or "I should..." or some version of that. Next time it ques up on your playlist, hit delete, and release it. It's not your story to tell anymore.

Check out this week's card reading below that answers the question, "What message are you holding onto that needs to be deleted?"

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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