

You have sole ownership of your vision. And the Universe will give you what you want within your vision. What happens with most people is that they muddy their vision with "reality." Their vision becomes full of not only what they want but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too. Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that you are offering can then be answered.

Excerpted from Boston, MA on 10/11/98

Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Today it is absolutely gorgeous, even though it is early March. As I sit outside in the warm sunshine, with my fountain gurgling in the background, I take delight in the sounds of the birds as they sing their songs. Off in the distance, I hear the persistent tapping of a woodpecker. I love the hollow echo that their beak makes as it rat-a-tat-tats against the tree limb.

I had the thought this morning that this must be the sound my brain gives off when I relentlessly work on a problem. Turning it over and over in my mind. Trying to find the tiniest of cracks that leave the problem vulnerable for me to break it wide open. If I rat-a-tat-tat against it enough, will I be able to break through into the inside? I certainly hope there is no hollow sound as I work the problem, but I'm always hopeful that the answers I seek lie within.

I have always prided myself in my critical thinking skills, my strategic mind that can solve a problem. However, there always comes a time when I need to release the problem. Surrender the relentless rat-a-tat-tat, and trust that my Higher Power can crack it open for me.

I would rather clean the bathroom floor with my tongue than release control, but sometimes, it's the only way. As I gaze at the trees that are starting to break the husks of their buds, I wonder how they know that it's time to move into the next cycle in their lives. I'm feeling that call as well.

I don't know about you, but after this past year of lockdown, fear, sickness, and loss, I am ready to break free of my long winter and move onto something new. Something fresh. Something I haven't rat-a-tat-tatted to death.

What are you ready to move on from?

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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