Drop Into Stillness


”Meditation is a powerful tool. If we were standing in your physical shoes, we could meditate on a regular basis for the sweet relief of a quiet mind. There is no better way of stopping the momentum of something unwanted, and to allow the momentum of something wanted than to meditate.” ~ Abraham Hicks 1/11/14

There is nothing more relaxing than a great meditation session. I always feel relaxed and raring to go after a session. I release what I'm worrying about and gain more clarity around the issue during the day. So why, why, why, have I put my meditation practice on the back burner?

I can't say that my day is full of other activities that I find more enjoyable. I think I have just gotten lazy. Shoot, I hate when that happens. Lazy is not a term that I often see on my list of gifts, talents, and values.

I think I will take this next week to carve out 15 minutes a day to stop and drop into stillness and see what might be discovered. Care to join me? It won't be a formal thing. I will list my favorite guided meditation link below, and you can use it if you feel the nudge to do so.

Meditation Oasis:


They call their meditations "podcasts," and there are over 60 to choose from. My favorite is #37 Accessing Intuition. Check it out. Think about what you are seeking an answer to. Toward the end of the meditation, it tells you to ask your question. It's always interesting to see what comes up.

Speaking of what comes up...we, at least here in Missouri, should start seeing Daffodils in the next couple of weeks. I am sooooo ready for Spring. Only 26 more days until the first day of Spring, but who's counting? (Me)

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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