Choices From The Heart, Moving Into Joy!

I have always been interested in the concept of finding our purpose in life. Why are we here? What did we come to do? More importantly, what does it take to stand up and embrace what calls to us?  

Life can be a challenge. There are always obstacles in our way, and we each have different ways of viewing and embracing those obstacles. One of my gifts has been to look at what stands in my way, choosing a path to go over it, around it or even under it, if need be, to move forward on my path. Making choices from the heart, to follow what calls to me, moving me into joy.  I called this Conjuring Mojo.

Some of my leaps have propelled me forward, exactly where I needed to be. They have allowed me to do things I never would’ve dreamed possible. Some have landed me in a heap, but I just got up, brushed myself off, and continued on my way.  I still have dreams where I have not dared to decide as of yet, to step forward and take the leap. I am letting them simmer and when the time is right, I will step up and dare to decide my choices. 

No matter where you are on your journey, whether you’re raising children, working full-time, looking for a new job, or faced with decisions where the answer is not yet visible, I have no doubt that it seems impossible for you to move forward. I’m here to tell you that it’s not. You may not be at a place where you’re ready to leap, daring to decide your next course of action, and that's okay. What I would like to offer is a weekly message of courage, Conjuring Mojo, creating magic, to help you on your way. 

I’m choosing to deliver this message on Wednesdays, this is where the two hardest days of the week may be behind us, but we’re yearning for the weekend, and we need that extra lift to get us to the finish line.  Your Conjuring Mojo Message will be delivered using the ancient art of fortune-telling cards.  I have a fantastic collection and will choose randomly from the various decks I have on hand each week.

No matter what stands before you, these messages will show you what’s coming up for the balance of the week, and how you can change your direction, change your energy, to increase your chances of conquering the obstacles before you.  Whatever your challenge, hopefully, you’ll find comfort and inspiration in the message these readings will give.   All of life is energy.  Where would you want yours to take you?  Hopefully, you'll make choices from the heart, moving into joy!

If you would like to receive the Wednesday Conjuring Mojo email, Click the link below and submit your name and email on the contact form:


“ Be aware of life’s energy moving, pushing, pulling, guiding you forward each moment of the day. And know each moment is your destiny... listen to your heart. It will take you, move you to where you need to go... trust the wisdom of your heart. Feel the life force, guiding you, moving you forward. Go where it leads. Embrace your destiny. Now, you help create it by what you choose each step of the way. Let your choices come from your heart.”

- Melody Beattie “Journey To The Heart.“

"Conjuring Mojo" ~ Creating Magic





Sue Brady