Your Heart Won't Steer You Wrong

Image by Christen LeCarte on Unsplash

Image by Christen LeCarte on Unsplash

“Follow your heart, and listen when it speaks to you.” ~ Suzanne Tamaro

For each of us, there comes the point when we choose to step into adulthood. It's is a necessary step for us to own our power. College is the perfect example of stepping into adulthood.

I still remember the day my parents dropped me off at college. I walked across the parking lot as they drove away, clutching my pillow and feeling sick to my stomach. 

I knew my roommate. She had been a friend for years, but she hadn’t arrived yet. I went to my room and closed the door. I would hide out until she came, or so I thought. Before you knew, the door blew open, and someone ran in to say hi! They ran out, like a whirlwind, leaving the door open. I closed it again. It happened several times before I got the message from the Universe...leave the door and more will flow IN. More energy, more people, more opportunities. I left the door open. Before you know it, all my fears evaporated. 

College is all about learning, discipline, and choices and, yes, fun. For the most part, you will be the one making the critical decisions in your day to day life. Some will be so easy; some will be so tempting, and some will be harder than others. 

Even if you work hard trying to make something happen in your life, if you don’t know who you truly are and what you want, you can have everything in the world and still not be happy.

You are powerful, beautiful, and infinite. There is nothing you can’t do if it is something that truly speaks to your heart. Use your heart as your barometer as you move forward on the next leg of your journey. Hold your choices up, to your heart, and choose the one that resonates deepest with you. 

Choose what gives you joy. Choose the path that resonates with your heart, even if it should not work out for you, you will know that you stood with integrity. True to who you are your core. Course corrections in life are inevitable, but if you choose with your heart, they will be minor, not significant. 

When making choices, always ask yourself if the opportunity is moving you closer to who you want to be, or will it sidetrack you on your journey. 

Will it keep you in alignment with your higher good or help you fit into the moment? It’s those times we choose to fit into the moment that ultimately holds us back from actualizing who we are truly meant to be.  

You have what it takes to realize your dreams. Everything you need is within you. When in doubt, get quiet, go within and ask your higher self what is right for you. Always holding your answers up to your heart. Your heart won’t steer you wrong. 

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

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Sue Brady