Take The First Step



" Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

Sometimes you have to take the first step toward change to stir things up and get things started. It's been over five months since we have been practicing social distancing—a kind of high alert Cootie watch. Some people have been much more stringent than others with their practice. I see more and more people mingling, getting closer and closer, without any ramification. We are ready for a change!!

So I took the first step toward change last week, and I cut my curls off. I am so done with the whole process of washing and preparing the curls, and then I go NOWHERE! Ugh. Who cares if the waves are particularly curly that day, I see no one! So done with it!! I desired change, so off they came. It's just the first step forward, the ripple in the pond. I wonder what will come off next?

Oh, I also desired a health change, so I started pandemic walking in April and joined Weight Watchers in June. I am now down 23 pounds! I am over the moon happy with these results! Changes, one step at a time. Where can you make one small change that will move you forward on your path toward your career, health, relationships, etc.? It only takes one step at a time to start to building momentum, moving your closer to a goal or dream. It's called empowerment.

"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control fo what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't." ~Steve Maraboli

You can also sweep others up in your enthusiasm when you make a change. I have a dear friend, Sue, who's a WW ninja but had taken a break. She's now back on the wagon. My sister, (below), signed up when I signed up, (she’s down 18#), and then her best friend signed up too. It's a movement, this pandemic health initiative. We all trade recipes and keep ourselves excited for our next weigh-in. Let me know if you'd like to join up with us!



Take the first step forward, no matter how small, and see where it takes you. In fact, the smaller the step, the more momentum you will build!

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

Find Your Purpose.

Share Your Passion.

Live Your Dream.

With Purpose,


Sue Brady