The Art Of Walking Away


“I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.” ~ Twelve Odd Months

My friend found the quote above, and when she shared it with me last week, it resonated for me on many levels. I have been struggling with walking away.  

I have mentioned that I am looking for the right job that will carry me through to retirement. I have literally applied for over 100 jobs since November. I would rather clean the bathroom floor with my tongue than fill out one more application or draft one more cover letter. It's exhausting, and every time I do it, I give another little piece of myself away.  

Then this week, my dad passed. It's the end of an era. I feel like this is the piece that needed to fall into place before I could really release myself from my current home to move elsewhere for work. I mean, I love St. Louis, but it's not a job mecca for my line of work.  

My dad lived to be 90, and had an accomplished career, a large family of children that loved him (hey, six kids...the original Brady Bunch). He was not a victim of Covid, things just wore out, and it was his time. Below is a quote I found that speaks to his passing and my evolution.

"There is always a cycle like the cycle of seasons. There's a death and rebirth cycle where you let go of your old identity. Anytime a significant change happens in your life, your identity has to let go of the old model. Then you go through a period of feeling very chaotic. Then your dreams start to come in, both night dreams and daydreams. You begin to imagine a different future."

Martha Beck "Bewildered Podcast, Ep 7: On Top Of Things?"

With his passing, I knew I would enter into a period of feeling chaotic but free to move forward into a different future. That doesn't make it any more comfortable, but I do look forward to what will materialize. So glad to have you all along on the journey.  

All that's left now is to listen to the sound of my footsteps walking away.

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I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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