TP or Not TP, That Is The Question

Well, actually, it should read, "To be, or not to be, that is the question." However, what does it say about you when the highlight of your day is finding out that Costco is back in stock on toilet paper? You're now able to order 36 rolls!! What pops into my mind is, "get a life!" Or rather yet... is this my life? Is this the new norm? Toilet paper brings me comfort?

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Sue Brady
Life Purpose - Pandemic Style

I sit in meditation every morning. It keeps me grounded, centered, and present in my life. I won't lie; it's been hard this past week. My mind is running in circles like Chicken Little with the proclamation, "The sky is falling."

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Sue Brady
One Life. Just One.

"One life. Just One. Why aren't we running like we are on fire toward our wildest dreams?" ~ Unknown

Why is it that we get stuck in our lives? Why do we let seem to spin our wheels instead of gaining traction?

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Sue Brady