Winter Doldrums

Do you find yourself in the middle of these winter doldrums, trying to get excited about, well, about anything? The dreary cold is not helping you get motivated. Today is foggy and damp, on top of the cold. This makes me want to stay inside in front of the fire. January is not usually a month, at least where I live, where you want to get outside and engage with nature. It's more in line with the desire to hibernate.

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Sue Brady
Real Chocolate

Love is in the air, or should I say, Valentine's Candy is out on the shelf, everywhere you go. Years ago, I was the candy buyer for a grocery store chain with stores across the US. We would actually select and purchase our candy assortment for the big single-day event 11 months in advance.

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Sue Brady
Manifesting Your Purpose

I  am amazed at how easy it is to manifest something when it is in alignment with your higher good. Perhaps it's fate or good old fashioned mojo conjuring. Some things seem to happen as if by magic, but when you look back, you can see they are part of your bigger plan in life.

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Sue Brady