What's Erupting In Your Life?

Last week I shared the Soul's Calling Roadmap. The most prominent image on the roadmap is the volcano. A volcano, according to the Soul's Calling Coaching process, is something that has erupted in our lives – and that volcano forces us to do something differently, to make a change.

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Sue Brady
Soul's Calling Roadmap

What's the Soul's Calling Roadmap?

It's the roadmap of your life. It's the journey you're on to reinvent yourself, living your life following your soul, rather than your ego. It shows you the process of transformation. It's a map of change.

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Sue Brady
The Power of Messaging

The car manufactures have spun on a dime. They've reinvented themselves and their advertising since the start of the Pandemic. Their message now is this:

"In times like these, we know you need a car you can rely on, so buy one from the sanctuary of your home."

Really? To feel safe in these uncertain times, do I need to have a reliable car to protect me? I'm under orders to stay home and sit on the sofa.

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Sue Brady