
As I struggled to get my wireless keyboard paired with my Mac this morning, I saw instantly, with great clarity, what the problem is with my life. I noticed that I am paired with things in my life that aren't a good fit. The big ah-ha lies in cutting those connections to free up my bandwidth to sync with better opportunities. Easier said than done, my friend.

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Old Messages

I received an alert today that my voicemail box was full. I started to delete out old voice messages and soon realized that I had messages saved that were over 4 years old. I made the mistake of listening to a message that my dad left a few months back; he was "sorry that he had missed my call." He passed away in January of this year. I burst into tears. I, of course, saved that message.

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Today it is absolutely gorgeous, even though it is early March. As I sit outside in the warm sunshine, with my fountain gurgling in the background, I take delight in the sounds of the birds as they sing their songs.

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